To see the noise, I redo the test of the black lens cap photo.
It has absolutely no interest in photography, but it can "see" the noise generated by the sensor.
To do that, it's very simple, just take pictures in JPG and RAW with the lens cap.
JPG images show only black because they are processed by the camera that remove the noise, but not for normal photos. But the RAW will "show the noise" at the same time that the sensitivity increases.
I used SILKYPIX standard settings to develop JPG photos.
What we see will never be visible in this way with normal photos, it's just to compare each RAW level noise generated for both cameras.
RAW files are being very heavy and with no interest, there is just the comparative side by side with FastStone.
The complete test is available in SmugMug.
All the cameras settings are on 'Standard'.
Left FZ50 - CCD Sensor - Right FZ150 - MOS Sensor
Click to Enlarge!
RAW - ISO 100 |
RAW - ISO 200 |
The difference is imperceptible to ISO 100 and ISO 200 very low.
Left FZ50 - Right FZ150
RAW - ISO 400 |
RAW - ISO 800 |
From ISO 400 the difference is clear for the FZ150.
Left FZ50 - FZ150 Middle and Right
RAW - FZ50 ISO 1600 - FZ150 ISO 1600 and 3200 |
At ISO 1600 noise is present and the difference with the FZ50 is important.
Left FZ50 - FZ150 Middle and Right
RAW - FZ50 ISO 200 - FZ150 ISO 400 et 800 |
By comparing FZ50 ISO 200 with FZ150 ISO 400 and ISO 800, we find that the ISO 200 FZ50 are slightly worse than the FZ150 ISO 400.
The gap must be of the order of one diaphragm 1/2 which almost compensates the difference between f/3.7 and f/4.3 to 420 mm.
For now it's theoretical, we will see if this is confirmed with real photos.
Left RAW - Right JPG
FZ150 ISO 3200
RAW and JPG |
The black lens cap photo shows some noise at jpg ISO 3200, but we can see that the treatment is effective compared to RAW.
The noise reduction will be more or less important on a normal picture and will result a loss of details which is not seen on this test.
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